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Volunteer opportunities are open to all active members of MVC with a good understanding of MVC's mission, as outlined on the About MVC page.


It is recommended that you be an active member for at least 6 months prior to volunteering so you have a chance to attend become familiar with the organization, website, online resources, and interact with other members and volunteers.


Complete a volunteer interest form.

Tell MVC leaders about your interests and skills.

Submit the volunteer agreement.

MVC holds all volunteers to a standard of conduct.

Free Resources

  • This website of sourced content 

  • Professionally printed materials

  • VoterVoice advocacy app

  • Member e-newsletter and alerts

  • Meet ups and educational events 


MVC Seeks Members that are:

  • Michigan citizens in favor of vaccine choice; this includes people who fully vaccinate, partially or selectively vaccinate, and either stopped vaccinating or do not vaccinate at all

  • Individuals, families, and/or healthcare professionals 


How You Can Help

  • Participate in advocacy efforts at the local and state level

  • Plan, host, or coordinate an event

  • Recruit speakers for educational events or townhall webinars

  • Assist with fundraising

  • Assist with community building

  • Fulfill online orders for MVC materials placed through our online store

  • Develop written, spoken, visual, graphical, or digital communications

  • Become an ambassador for MVC 

All Hands On Deck

Base your level of involvement on your availability, not experience. We can even connect you with an experienced vaccine choice advocate for more guidance. 

Just 1 hour a month to spare

Between work, family, school, and caring for others, it may seem like you have no time to make an impact, but MVC has quick actions you can take when you have a minute here and there.


  • Share this website with your friends and family


  • Show your support for MVC by wearing a vaccine choice pin, t-shirt, or hat


  • Share, like or thumbs up MVC content on social media


  • And most important:
    Visit the MVC Action Center to contact your legislators; email is predefined and can be  automatically sent with a short form and click of a button

4-5 hours a month to spare

This is the level at which MVC's more active members contribute their time and advocacy efforts at around 1 hour per week.


In addition to the activities outlined in the other section, you can:


  • Monitor and share vaccine-choice legislation with members and MVC leaders


  • Build relationships with your legislator(s) by attending their coffee, etc.


  • Volunteer to educate other MVC Community Members or do community outreach


  • MVC is 100% volunteer, so you can contribute your skillset for administrative, creative, or tech 

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