Measles Hysteria and the MMR Scam
Re-posted from: Health Freedom Louisiana
Feb 25, 2025
Next to Covid, more freedoms have been lost to measles hysteria than any other public health issue.
Measles “outbreaks” were the impetus for attacks on religious exemptions in years past in states like California, New York, and New Jersey.
Now that there are a few measles cases in Texas, the press is once again losing its mind, and religious exemptions have already made it into the conversation as you can see from this Texas Standard headline.

To counter the fear-mongering and propaganda in the pharma-funded media, we want to provide you with some insights, studies, and articles to empower you, not frighten you.
Today’s measles hysteria would be laughed at by the scientists who approved the vaccine.
Dr. Alexander Langmuir’s paper discussing why he came to favor approving the measles vaccine is incredibly insightful. At the time, Dr Langmuir was the chief epidemiologist for the CDC but went on to be the Director of the CDC, at the time known as the Communicable Disease Center.
In 1962, the year before the vaccine went to market, he wrote:
“This self-limiting infection of short duration, moderate severity, and low fatality has maintained a remarkably stable biological balance over the centuries.”
Dr. Langmuir states that the common cold is of more significance in terms of short-term morbidity. Yes, you heard that right. In 1962, the Chief Epidemiologist of the CDC considered the common cold more significant an illness than measles.
In the years prior to the vaccine rollout in 1963, fewer than 500 measles deaths occurred in the U.S. in a population of almost 190 million people, and assuming a number equivalent to the entire birth cohort contracted measles every year — between 3-4 million cases annually. On the significant decline in mortality noted in Figure 1 of the paper, Langmuir writes, “The decline in mortality demonstrates the degree to which we have adapted to this balance and have learned to live with this parasite [measles].”

The decline in measles deaths before the vaccine is more easily seen in this graphic created by Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC).

Another notable point from Langmuir’s paper is the implicit reference to measles parties. He noted that despite the “modern age of extensive communication” of 1962, some people still escaped childhood without catching measles — not insignificant as individuals become more susceptible to severe outcomes as they age. In 1962, good parents ensured their children caught measles in childhood. Ask your grandparents and they’ll tell you.

By the way, that’s exactly what today’s MMR vaccine does — it leaves recipients susceptible to infection as they age. Any protection conferred by two doses of the MMR vaccine wanes and a third dose is ineffective, leaving generations susceptible when they need protection the most. In 1962, Langmuir assumed the vaccine conferred lifelong immunity similar to natural infection - it does not. He wrote:
“New and potent tools that promise effective control of measles are at hand. Ifproperly developed and wisely used, it should be possible to disrupt the biological balance of measles.”
Langmuir thought the illness would disappear with vaccination.
Instead, the vaccine has disrupted the biological balance of measles — by creating greater susceptibility.
And the elderly are not the only ones affected by this epidemiological shift in the age of distribution.
Following the 1963 rollout of the measles vaccine, the largest measles outbreak occurred from 1989-91 with over 55,000 cases and 123 deaths— a significant increase in the case fatality rate from 1962, a year that saw approximately 450 deaths out of 3-4 million cases. According to archived data from the CDC Pinkbook, surveillance of this outbreak revealed that infants had become more susceptible to measles infection due to a reduction in maternal antibodies provided by vaccination.
“In addition, measles susceptibility of infants younger than 1 year of age may have increased. During the 1989–1991 measles resurgence, incidence rates for infants were more than twice as high as those in any other age group. The mothers of many infants who developed measles were young, and their measles immunity was most often due to vaccination rather than infection with wild virus. As a result, a smaller amount of antibody was transferred across the placenta to the fetus, compared with antibody transfer from mothers who had higher antibody titers resulting from wild-virus infection. The lower quantity of antibody resulted in immunity that waned more rapidly, making infants susceptible at a younger age than in the past.”
In 1989, the CDC recommended a second dose of MMR to the childhood schedule.
The CDC has not been forthcoming about this significant consequence of mass measles vaccination, nor the fact that a third dose of MMR does not provide sufficient protection:
“While a third MMR dose may successfully immunize the rare individual who did not respond after 2 doses, MMR3 is unlikely to solve the problem of waning immunity in the United States.”
This is why doctors need to learn how to treat this mild, self-limiting illness — they may be treating themselves one day.
A well-nourished individual will usually have no issue clearing the measles virus in 5-7 days, but should it be needed, a long-standing treatment protocol consists of Vitamin A supplementation. Ever wonder why your grandparents were given cod liver oil? It’s an excellent source of Vitamin A.
Langmuir's reasoning for supporting the licensure of the measles vaccine is of great significance:
“To those who ask me, "Why do you wish to eradicate measles?," I reply with the same answer that Hillary used when asked why he wished to climb Mt. Everest. He said, “Because it is there." To this may be added, ". . and it can be done.’”
There was never a good reason to license the measles vaccine.
Men, playing God, disrupted the balance of nature and caused an epidemiological shift in the age of susceptibility from children to infants and the elderly. Those same men might laugh at today's hysteria over a “self-limiting infection of short duration, moderate severity, and low fatality,” or they might stoke the flames to reap the financial benefits that same hysteria would generate.
As the CDC continues to manipulate the public’s perception of measles by lumping two categories together — unvaccinated and unknown vaccine status — be empowered by the truth, including the fact that “shedding of measles vaccine RNA is not uncommon.” Yes, you read that correctly. MMR vaccine recipients can shed the vaccine strain and shedding can contribute to outbreaks.

Remember, the MMR vaccines currently on the market did not undergo adequate safety testing — there were no placebos in the clinical trials, there was no adequate safety review, and the MMR vaccines contain ingredients that have never been evaluated for their carcinogenic or mutagenic effect, including aborted fetal cells.
As measles cases will undoubtedly fuel the press in the coming days, we want you to have as much information as possible to share with family and friends. Below are excellent resources and commentaries on measles.
This HFL document is available on our website: Herd Immunity & Vaccination – Can Vaccination Achieve Herd Immunity?
Health Freedom Institute: Shining a Light on Measles
Physicians for Informed Consent