We are dedicated to preserving vaccine choice for each generation.

Our Mission
MVC is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to providing educational information about the subject of vaccinations, while protecting and supporting individuals and parents to make vaccine decisions in Michigan.
Our Board of Directors
Comprised of healthcare professionals, business owners, and parents—our directors recognize and respect an individual's right to make informed healthcare decisions for themselves and their children.
Our Goals
MVC, its directors, leaders, volunteers, and members strive to:
Support the right to make health care decisions in the State of Michigan
Provide opportunities for MVC members to learn, share, and network
Engage healthcare professionals, educators, and legislators
Respect the beliefs and privacy of all MVC members, volunteers, and donors
Outreach We Perform
MVC helps to increase community awareness of vaccine injuries, vaccine mandates, and the issue of vaccine choice through:
Dedicated Websites
On this website, find a wide variety of vaccine-related resources published by the CDC, FDA, pharmaceutical companies, doctors and researchers. There is also information about current Michigan laws and administrative policies, as well as advocacy resources.
You may also with to visit this MVC-hosted website: MichiganVaccineInjury.org

Community Events
When the state fully reopens, MVC events team volunteers can be found at events across Michigan including farmer's markets, health and community fairs, baby and tot events, and homeschooling, natural health, and chiropractic conferences. MVC also hosts annual fundraisers featuring doctors, scientists, attorneys, legislators and other vaccine choice advocates.
Flash Mob/Facts Mob
MVC members peacefully, respectfully, and safely gather at various outdoor community events and hold signs that display facts about vaccine schedules, doses, ingredients, injuries, and the right to choose. Each flash mob (or fact mob) has been well received by most while out in the public and invites respectful dialog with anyone who would like to learn more.
Vaccine Choice Is For Everyone
MVC believes that everyone should have the right to accept or decline vaccines without discrimination or penalty.
Often the vaccine choice issue centers around parents who delay or decline some vaccines for their children, but this issue impacts everyone, including:
Pregnant mothers
College students
Healthcare employees
Government employees
Active duty and U.S. Veterans*
Adults and Elderly†
And now, potentially travelers‡
*21st Century Veterans Benefits Delivery Act
† Healthy People 2020
‡ Covid-19 Immunity Passport